Insurance Requirements

Insurance requirements for CIBSE Certification registrants

CIBSE Certification registrants are individuals that have been certified by CIBSE Certification for the following schemes:

LCC – Low Carbon Consultant
LCEA – Low Carbon Energy Assessor
ESOS – Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme Lead Assessor
HNC – Heat Networks Consultant
It is a requirement for all registrants certified by CIBSE Certification to have up to date Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII) at all times while their registrations are valid and to provide a copy of their insurance documents to CIBSE Certification.
CIBSE Certification cannot specify the PII policy amount required as that is dependent on the registrant’s business, but we can suggest a minimum of £100,000 for LCC, ESOS and HNC registrants.
The minimum PII that is required by LCEAs is specified by DLUHC in the DLUHC SORs:

  •     EPC Level 3 and 4 - £250,000 for each claim in relation to a particular EPC
  •     EPC Level 5 - £250,000 for each claim in relation to a particular EPC
  •     DEC - £100,000 for each claim in relation to any particular DEC and Advisory Report
  •     ACI Level 3 - £50,000 for each claim in relation to any particular Level 3 ACIR
  •     ACI Level 4 - £500,000 for each claim in relation to any particular Level 4 ACIR

NB. Building Standards Division of the Scottish Government (BSD) minimum PII requirement for EPC assessors is £100,000.
CIBSE Certification does not provide scheme insurance for LCEAs lodging certificates, the reasons for this are two-fold:

  • CIBSE Certification LCEAs are often involved in other energy consultancy work and therefore already have their own or their employer’s professional indemnity insurance
  • Insurance is designed to be specific to the insured company based on an assessment of the associated risks, the range of work intended to be undertaken and other factors and could differ from case to case.

Public Liability Insurance (PLI) is also required for all LCEAs, the minimum cover requirement by DLUHC is £1,000,000.

Document requirements

A certificate, schedule or confirmation letter from the insurer or broker is required for all PII and PLI policies and must include, as a minimum, the following:

  •     Type of insurance e.g. PII, PLI
  •     Name of the company that is being insured or the name of the person if they are self employed
  •     Name of the insurer
  •     Policy number
  •     Policy start and expiry dates  
  •     Policy cover amount in Sterling