E-newsletter April 2021


E-newsletter April 2021

Dear Colleague,

Please find your April newsletter below.

Lodgement Credit Price Reduction

You may be reading this on the morning of April 1st, but if you have been reading your newsletters over the last few months, you will know that this is not an April Fool’s Day item. For the avoidance of doubt, you will find this newsletter on our website after 12 noon.

Following a review of the central register lodgement fees, MHCLG have announced that the fee we pay to them per lodgement will reduce from today. This means that we can reduce the cost of lodgement credits by £7.50. We will apply this reduction to our standard fee and to any volume related discounts currently in place.

For those of you that only have an occasional requirement to lodge a certificate this will be good news but not that significant. For those of you lodging in higher volumes, this is either a useful increase in your margin or perhaps an opportunity to price competitively, although we expect this reduction to be passed on in a similar way by all schemes.

Whilst talking about the register, I would just like to remind you that very occasionally there may be short periods of downtime with the Register. Rather than send everyone an email when the short interruption might only affect one or two people, we have a service notification facility in the Lodgement Portal, so if you are experiencing a problem lodging, this is something that you can check by clicking on Service Status as shown below.

PEPA Conference 2021

The ability to run the PEPA Conference this year has been influenced by the pandemic, however, the good news is that PEPA are facilitating a virtual event on 25 May. 

Discover more

This conference format makes the event more accessible, and I hope to see many of you there for what should be a bigger and better event using some very fancy tech; an opportunity to experience the new normal.

April webinar & HSE Event

Tuesday 20 April | 14:00-15:00 (BST)

We have a very interesting and timely topic this month - Hydrogen CHP.  The presenter is Martin Kenzie of 2G Energy who is keen to share their experiences with the Hydrogen Technology.

Find out more and register now

On the subject of Hydrogen, the HSE recently ran a three-day hydrogen safety event that we supported to promote our ISO 50001 capability. This event is now available to browse for anyone that has a deeper interest in the hydrogen developments.

Browse HSE event

CIBSE Heat Networks CP1 Update

Those of you on the Heat Networks Consultant Register or interested in joining it might be interested to know that the CIBSE Training Team have developed a half day update training course for the new revision to the Heat Networks Code of Practice, CP1.

We have not set any specific CPD requirements relating to this register, but this course might be a useful element for your CPD plans this year.  

Find out more and book now

Kind regards,

Professor Andrew Geens
BEng (Hons) PhD CEng FCIBSE
Head of CIBSE Certification Ltd.