Low Carbon Consultants

CIBSE Certification's schemes are for competent personnel who provide robust, impartial knowledge and guidance in the design and operation of energy efficient buildings, and management systems.

All schemes conform to the requirements of  ISO 17024:2012 and registrants must comply with competency requirements, our code of conduct, maintain appropriate insurance and meet our CPD requirements.

Join CIBSE Certification's register of Low Carbon Consultants to demonstrate competence in minimising energy use and carbon emissions from buildings both in design and operation. This enables you to go beyond the current legal minimum in improving the energy performance of both new and existing buildings.

Clients can be assured that buildings designed and operated by LCCs will meet the requirements of Approved Document L Volume 2 2021 and Building Control Officers can be assured that compliance is being signed off by suitably qualified professionals. Registrants of the LCC Register have undertaken assessments to demonstrate their competence.

“Although legislative deadlines and the demand for assessors drive our business targets, it’s the quality industry experience, quality training and completing a rigorous quality assessment procedure that is what all our Low Carbon Energy Assessors and Low Carbon Consultants can pride themselves on”.

Search the Low Carbon Consultants Register here

What can a certified Low Carbon Consult (LCC) do? 

 A Low Carbon Consultant Design Management Specialist can:

  • Confirm Part L2A Compliance against all 5 compliance Criteria
  • Advise on energy efficiency and conservation
  • Advise on and design low carbon and renewable technologies
  • Use passive design technologies to make the best use of shade and natural ventilation
  • Deliver the information needed to manage the building effectively and ensure that it continues to perform to its design intent after handover

A Low Carbon Consultant Building Operation Specialist can:

  • Reduce a building's energy costs.
  • Suggest and implement cost effective energy efficiency improvements to an existing building
  • Incorporate low carbon and renewable technologies
  • Advise on how to develop a corporate social responsibility agenda

A Low Carbon Consultant Simulation Specialist can:

  • Ensure accurate and complete carbon emissions calculations for compliance with Criterion 1 ADL2A
  • Provide the calculations necessary for developing an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)

A Low Carbon Consultant Energy Management Systems Specialist can:

  • Establish, implement, maintain and improve an energy management system
  • Develop energy management systems processes and procedures
  • Improve energy performance in a systematic way
  • Ensure that it conforms with its stated energy policy & demonstrate such conformance to others

A Low Carbon Consultant Design Management Specialist Scotland can:

  • Advise on energy efficiency and conservation
  • Advise on and design low carbon and renewable technologies
  • Use passive design technologies to make the best use of shade and natural ventilation
  • Deliver the information needed to manage the building effectively and ensure that it continues to perform to its design intent after handover

Key benefits of becoming a Low Carbon Consultant (LCC) and Low Carbon Energy Assessor (LCEA) with CIBSE Certification:

  • Access to experienced Energy Assessors and Building Services Engineers with a wealth of knowledge and experience for FREE support and advice when you need it
  • Online LCC and LCEA register
  • LCC and LCEA Marketing toolkits
  • Monthly newsletters keeping you up to date with competence related information
  • LCEAs can lodge energy certificates using any government approved software for EPCs, DECs and ACIs allowing you to choose which software you prefer to use
  • Competitively priced lodgement credits – discounts can be negotiated for high lodgers
  • A designated LCEA Lodgement site for each strand (to manage your own profile, lodgements, important information and updates)
  • Applying through the APEL route (Approval of Prior Experiential Learning) for experienced energy professionals
  • Qualification Route for applicants who are suitably qualified via ABBE, City & Guilds or NFOPP for EPCs and DECs only 
  • Transfer Route for applicants that have been certified via the APEL route with another certification scheme
  • LCEAs can have additional organisations listed against their profile on the LCEA register
  • Digital certificate and ID card
  • A long standing, friendly, knowledgeable and dedicated Certification team that are there to provide support and to help you every step of the way