E-newsletter November 2019


E-newsletter November 2019

Dear Colleague

Welcome to the November edition of our CIBSE Certification newsletter.

2019/20 Renewals

We have passed the deadline for registration renewals this year and will be suspending people from the register next week.  As is customary, we delay this as long as possible due to the work involved in suspending and subsequently re-instating registrations.

To reflect this work, there is a re-instatement fee.

You can pay your renewal fee online now.

CIBSE Certification Ltd

In conversations with some of you during the renewal period it does seem that there are a few mis-conceptions about our registers, so it might be timely to remind everyone about our operating framework.

Our registers offer the opportunity to promote your expertise in a particular area, i.e. LCC Design or LCC Operations, but importantly some of the registers are also a licence to do particular work, i.e ESOS or EPC assessors.  These registers are heavily regulated for hopefully obvious reasons.

In operating these registers we are performing the role of a Certification Body as opposed to a membership organisation such as our parent company CIBSE.  Registration with us is not linked in any way with membership of CIBSE, i.e. it is not a pre-requisite for registration nor are there any associated benefits.

This means that we can operate registers based on the demonstration of competence in accordance with ISO 17024 to the satisfaction of UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service).  

Operating as a Certification Body also means that we are able to certify management systems to the satisfaction of UKAS, currently ISO 9001 and ISO 50001 with ISO 14001 in the pipeline.  

This service is something that we think would be beneficial for some of your clients, and indeed for your own organisations in the case of ISO 9001.  Do get in touch if you would like to know more about this by e-mailing me at ccms@cibse.org.

Record Keeping and EPC Models

From our experience we have seen that EPC models on all software types can be corrupted or altered, which is a major issue when a case is called for a QA Audit. Our general guidance to assessors is that they should, after lodging an EPC, create a separate copy of the model (ideally with an appropriate name), store it securely and never use this again, unless called for an EPC QA Audit. We appreciate that changes may need to be modelled in an EPC model after the lodgement, as long as there is a separate copy with the model as it was at the time of the lodgement assessors should not have a problem going back to this to provide the correct model for the EPC QA audit.

CPD Records

Finally a quick reminder about keeping your CPD record up to date.  Early in the New Year we will be conducting our audit of 2019 CPD records and the easiest way of making sure that this has no significance for you is to keep track of your CPD activity through the year to ensure that you have recorded CPD activity consistent with the particular requirements of your registration(s). 

View the full CIBSE Certification CPD requirements.

Kind regards,

Professor Andrew Geens
BEng (Hons) PhD CEng FCIBSE
Head of CIBSE Certification Ltd.