E-newsletter May 2022


E-newsletter May 2022

Dear Colleague,

Welcome to the May edition of the CIBSE Certification newsletter.

CIBSE Certification Code of Conduct

The CIBSE Certification Code of Conduct was revised in January 2022 and we advised our registrants in the January newsletter to return a signed copy to us by 31 May 2022 to avoid suspension.

Many of you have still not submitted your signed copy, so to avoid suspension on 1 June 2022 and payment of the £50 + VAT reinstatement fee, please download the new revision 14 from the CIBSE Certification website and email your signed copy to epc@cibsecertification.org  
If you have any queries you can contact CIBSE Certification at the usual email address epc@cibsecertification.org

Part L 2021 update

As you are all now aware there has been an update to Part L and as a CIBSE Certification registrant you will be required to prove your competence in the update in the way of an assessment.  

You can complete any training courses on the update if you wish and CIBSE Training are offering an online assessment that we can accept as demonstrating your knowledge and understanding of the changes. They are also offering training but there is the option to just take the assessment. If your chosen training provider is also offering an assessment we can, on request, determine whether that is an acceptable alternative to the assessment offered by CIBSE Training.  

The software update training that is being offered by software vendors is useful CPD which we encourage, but it is not a substitute for the assessment that is required for ongoing registration.

As with previous changes to the Building Regulations, we are requiring all our registrants to demonstrate their ongoing knowledge and understanding. I have been asked by a few people why Air Conditioning inspectors or Heat Networks Consultants are being assessed for their knowledge of the new Building Regulations, and it is simply that in the case of air conditioning inspectors, to make sure that any recommendations that they make in their reports are made in the knowledge of minimum requirements for air conditioning kit, and for Heat Networks Consultants that they understand their interaction with the wider design team in the context of the Regulations.

A good knowledge of Building Regulations relating to energy performance is a reasonable expectation of anyone associated with a CIBSE Certification Register.

Call for CIBSE Trainers

CIBSE Training is looking for new trainers to cover the following courses:

  • Low Carbon Consultant Design Training
  • Low Carbon Consultant Building Operations Training

If you are interested in becoming a trainer and would like more information, please email KMcMillan@cibse.org

Kind regards,

Professor Andrew Geens
BEng (Hons) PhD CEng FCIBSE
Head of CIBSE Certification