E-newsletter March 2018


E-newsletter March 2018

Dear Colleague,

Welcome to the March edition of our CIBSE Certification Monthly Newsletter. This month we have highlighted some important upcoming events that we think you should know about.

New CIBSE Certification Webinar
12:00-13:00, 27 March 2018
Location: Your PC, tablet or smart phone

With ESOS Phase 2 deadlines now looming, are your clients confident that they have chosen the best way to satisfy their company’s ESOS reporting requirements?
In this upcoming webinar, Andrew Geens, Head of CIBSE Certification, and John Field, Energy Management Director at Noveus Energy, will discuss the two main routes to compliance:

  1. Standard ESOS Audit Report
  2. ISO 50001 Certification

​Throughout the webinar they will provide facts, guidance and impartial advice on which of these two routes is most suitable for different organisations and why.

There will be an opportunity at the end of the presentation to ask the speakers questions.

Register yourself or a client now for this free to attend webinar.

PEPA Conference 2018: The Future of EPCs
22 March 2018
Location: National Conference Centre, Solihull

This important event, supported by CIBSE Certification, has been set up to explore and help report to government, the current issues surrounding the EPC Industry, including how EPCs should be used in the future, and what additional roles Energy Assessors can play. The conference will cover all EPC strands including Domestic, On Construction and Non-Domestic.

The Government Department for Business Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) are supporting the conference and will have an active role throughout the day. The day has been set up to feed into the government’s 'Call for Evidence' on the future for EPCs that is planned for later in the spring.

This is a truly unique opportunity to have a say on the future of EPCs and the role of energy assessors, and we strongly urge you to have your voice heard.

Find out more and register now.

A Message from the Building Standards Division, Scotland

For those of you working in Scotland or working with clients in Scotland, and anyone else who might be interested, the Building Standards Division, Scotland have asked us to bring the following message to your attention:

As you will be aware, Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) will come into force in April 2018 in England. 

The position in Scotland differs, please find the link below to the details on the Energy efficiency and condition standards in private rented housing: A Scotland’s Energy Efficiency Programme Consultation which closed last year. The Scottish Government (SG) appointed external contractors to carry out an analysis of the 198 responses received to the consultation. The resulting analysis report was published on 14 November, and can be found at Energy efficiency and condition standards in private rented housing: A Scotland’s Energy Efficiency Programme Consultation - Scottish Government - Citizen Space.
SG are currently considering the responses to the consultation, and will confirm the minimum standards for the private rented sector alongside the wider ambitions of Scotland’s Energy Efficiency Programme (SEEP) as part of the launch of the SEEP routemap in May this year. This will include the proposed timescale for the introduction of minimum standards, as well as setting out wider elements of SEEP.

CPD Reminder

If you have not already done so please make sure your 2017 CPD record is complete. 

As you know, we will not be able to maintain your certification if you haven’t completed your CPD records. Visit the CPD requirements webpage for more information.

A few key points to look out for when updating your CPD:

  • Ensure that you have selected the correct year, 2017, before adding or editing any activities
  • Add at least one objective relevant to your registration(s) and assign it to relevant activities
  • Assign your applicable certification scheme to relevant activities up to the hours required for each strand

Update your CPD now.

If you need any help inputting or updating your CPD please view the help documents online or contact the team.

Kind regards,

Professor Andrew Geens
BEng (Hons) PhD CEng FCIBSE
Head of CIBSE Certification