E-newsletter June 2020


E-newsletter June 2020

Dear Colleague

Welcome to the June Newsletter.

We hope that you are well and keeping safe. As the Government releases further guidance on safely working please keep an eye on our news pages, and those of PEPA. CIBSE also have useful information on their website.

If you have any specific questions, please email epc@cibsecertification.org

Upcoming Webinars
Routes to CIBSE Certification Registration
11:00-12:00 (BST) | 4 June

As a registrant of CIBSE Certification it is likely that you will be very familiar with the registration process, however, if you have any queries then we would recommend registering for this upcoming webinar hosted by CIBSE. Additionally, if you know of anyone interested in joining our register(s), this is a great starting place for them.

Find out more and register your free place now

Using ESOS to develop a Net Zero strategy during lockdown and recovery 
14:00-15:00 (BST) | 9 June

Simon Alsbury, Managing Director at Energise will discuss how you can use your recent ESOS outcomes and put Net Zero at the centre during your COVID-19 recovery strategy. There is rightly a focus at the moment on a green recovery to ensure investments made contribute to our collective response to the climate change challenge and the webinar will discuss recommendations on how to put a helpful, flexible and quick framework around these decisions whilst we all operate in what is going to be a period of great change.

Discover more and register your free place now

Compliance vs Performance modelling
Transforming a certification model for better energy use estimates at design stage as per TM54 guidelines
14:00-15:00 (BST) | 23 June

This webinar will highlight the differences between compliance modelling and performance modelling and show how a compliance model can be converted into a performance model, and meet the best practice guidance given in CIBSE TM54: Evaluating Operational Energy Performance of Buildings at the Design Stage.

Register your free place now
New Register for the lodgement of Energy Certificates
The go live date for the new register has been put back from the 12 June to 20 July as the register moves from operation by Landmark to being part of the gov.uk website. We are continuing to work closely with the development team to ensure that the transition is seamless. It is apparent that there will be some changes to the services provided by the register and to the procedures for creating the certificate case. As nothing is finalised at the moment I will wait before sharing the detail. As soon as we are clear on the detail from the tests that we will run I will write again to help you prepare for the change. 

Government Air Condtioning Software withdrawal

I wrote to air conditioning assessors during May, but will repeat the message here in case it was missed by anyone.

MHCLG will no longer be supporting the DCLG Air Con Report software. 

Find out more

Management System Certification capability during the lowckdown

Finally, I would like to take the opportunity to let everyone know that we are able to continue to offer new certification and certification transfers using remote monitoring methods during this period.

This is for ISO 50001, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.

Some companies might like to use this period to progress their plans in this area.

Discover more about Management System Certification

Kind regards,

Professor Andrew Geens
BEng (Hons) PhD CEng FCIBSE
Head of CIBSE Certification Ltd.