E-newsletter June 2017


E-newsletter June 2017

Dear Colleague,

Welcome to the June edition of our CIBSE Certification Monthly Newsletter, which contains important news and compliance information.

Lodgement fee consultation in Scotland

The Building Standards Division in Scotland has asked for feedback on their consultation document on lodgement fees in Scotland. If you would like to participate in the consultations you can access the document online.  

Insurance and CPD Compliance

If you have received an e-mail about expired insurance certificates, or if your policy has expired in the last few days, please make sure that you email a copy of your new documents to us promptly at epc@cibsecertification.org.  

We should not be displaying your details on our online register if we do not have evidence of your current insurance cover, and we are working towards a situation where suspension will happen automatically when the certificate expires, so it is important to keep us up to date to ensure your registry entry and compliance.

We have also written recently to some of you about maintaining your CPD records, which is also a condition of your ongoing registration. Quite a few of you have queried the e-mail as you had already recorded the necessary 21 hours of CPD activity.  

The remaining requirements not usually achieved are:

  • You haven’t added the required two objectives relevant to your registration
  • Assigned those objectives to relevant activities
  • You also need to assign your applicable certification strand to relevant activities up to the hours required for each strand

There has always been a requirement to do this, but in the past our database was not sophisticated enough for this level of checking in bulk, and so we only checked these details before re-instating someone following suspension for any reason. If you are unsure of the requirements, please re-read CCP 111 CPD Requirements.

Weather Datasets

Earlier this year CIBSE recorded a free-to-attend webinar that provided an introduction to the CIBSE weather datasets used in dynamic thermal modelling which some of you might find useful for CPD purposes.

However please note that the new weather datasets referred to in the webinar have not been approved by DCLG for use in producing Level 5 EPCs or for Building Regulation Compliance, so these weather datasets cannot be used for these purposes.

You can access the webinar here.


Andrew Geens
BEng (Hons) PhD CEng FCIBSE
Head of CIBSE Certification