E-newsletter July 2020


E-newsletter July 2020

Dear Colleague

Welcome to the July Newsletter. We hope you find this month's newsletter of interest.

July Webinars
The current business environment and the challenge of Net Zero Carbon by 2050
14:00-15:00 (BST) | 7 July

An overview of the challenge faced by businesses arising from the government’s target of Net Zero Carbon by 2050. As businesses come out of lockdown there is an opportunity to review working practices and how these may impact on future energy demand. By planning ahead now companies can identify immediate energy and...
Find out more and register your free place

A progressive approach to TM54 Design Stage Operation Energy Assessment 
14:00-15:00 (BST) | 28 July

Opportunities to improve accuracy of energy prediction; Use of most accurate input data - i.e. not NCM; Likely Outcomes; The importance of a connected approach to energy modelling from the outset; The advantages of detailed HVAC Modelling over a seasonal efficiency approach for operational energy appraisal; Post occupancy evaluation... 
Find out more and register your free place
Development of new Energy Certificate Register

Although the original changeover date for this was 12 June, this has now been moved towards the end of August. As noted previously, there will be some changes to the functionality of the new register and changes in the way that you will set cases up.

We will communicate this to you as soon as we have reliable detail. The software providers are currently working on the necessary changes to their software.

Consultation on changes to the Energy Performance of Buildings Regulations
The government is currently consulting on the implementation of the latest iteration of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive. The significant change for Air Conditioning Inspectors is the proposal to raise the threshold for inspections from 12kW to 70kW.

For those of you that are members of CIBSE, you can contribute to their response up until this Friday, 3 July by following the instructions online

The consultation is open to all and you can also respond individually by following the information on the government website.

We have been working with the other schemes and a small number of companies that handle a high volume of the lodged reports to provide a detailed, evidence based, response via PEPA. This will address impacts that we think have been missed or understated in the published analysis, broadly that the numbers of lost reports will be greater than stated, and that acting on the reports provides financial as well as the environmental benefits identified in the published analysis.

We will also be submitting a response as CIBSE Certification which will support this. If you would like me to add anything that you will be submitting, to add weight, please let me have the detail by mid-day on the 13 July by emailing epc@cibsecertification.org

Renewals 2020/2021

I appreciate that your business may be focused on surviving the short term at the moment, but we need to plan for a future where we hope that business activity returns to a level previously enjoyed and with the focus on a “green recovery”, perhaps better still. We hope that you agree that maintaining your registration will be an essential element in your recovery plans.

With this in mind, we are preparing for our renewal process in preparation for the new registration year (from 1 September 2020) and would ask you to do the same with the usual administrative checks that will ensure a smooth process when the time comes.

Please make sure that your information is up to date so that your registration meets the compliance requirements. A few things that should be checked include: 

  • Your contact work details
  • Your insurance records
  • Your CPD record
  • Signed Certification code of conduct

It is a way off yet, but from Tuesday 1 September you will be able to access your invoice and pay your registration fees online. A reminder notification will be sent on this date. 

NB. Please note that even if you pay your registration fee we will only be sending certificates and ID cards if your registration meets the compliance requirements, so your renewal may be held up. 

If you have any questions regarding your registration and compliance requirements please email CIBSE Certification at epc@cibsecertification.org.

Kind regards,

Professor Andrew Geens
BEng (Hons) PhD CEng FCIBSE
Head of CIBSE Certification Ltd.