E-newsletter January 2022


E-newsletter January 2022

Dear Colleague,

A Happy New Year to everyone and I hope that you have had a good break and that your plans were unscathed by COVID.

New Part L

The big item for 2022 is that we have now had the long awaited confirmation of the uplift to the Building Regulations, specifically for us, Part L.

The new Regulations will come into force in June 2022 and you can download the new Approved Documents online now.

This is the first major change since 2013 and therefore as a requirement of maintaining your competence in 2022 you will be required to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the new requirements via an assessment.

I am currently talking to the CIBSE Training department about developing, and providing a suitable assessment, with appropriate training where required. Given the scale and nature of the changes, I imagine that most of you are already thinking about getting some sort of training for this. As we will require an assessment of your knowledge and understanding please make sure to book this along with your training. CIBSE Training is already an approved assessment provider for us but if you are planning to use another provider for the assessment, please let us know so that we can assess its suitability for our purposes.


In tandem with the new Part L, logically we also have a new version of iSBEM. Find out more.

If you use any of the proprietary software approved by the Government, you can expect that to have been updated in good time for June.

COVID Guidance

I am sure that you are accustomed to keeping an eye on current guidance, but for convenience, and in case you are planning to work off your normal patch, here are the links for guidance from the four UK administrations:

As always, and specifically for those of you involved in producing energy certificates, please keep an eye on the PEPA website for sector specific guidance.


We have had a new year offer for those of you that use DesignBuilder software, or are planning to, with a discount of 10% using discount code: T10-CIBSE-2022

You can find course dates and information here on their main training page.

The next dates are:

SBEM - 16 FEB 2022
DSM - 17 FEB 2022

Kind regards,

Professor Andrew Geens
BEng (Hons) PhD CEng FCIBSE
Head of CIBSE Certification Ltd.