E-newsletter February 2021


E-newsletter February 2021

Dear Colleague,

Please take a look at this month’s CIBSE Certification newsletter.

CPD Audit

Auditing of all Certification CPD records is taking place this month. If you have not already done so, please update your 2020 CPD records to avoid suspension.

Visit the CPD Requirements webpage for more information where you will find the procedure and guidance on how to complete your record.

A few key points to look out for when updating your CPD:

  • Add at least one objective relevant to your registration(s) and assign it to relevant activities
  • Ensure you have at least 21 hours of activity, LCEAs may require more if registered for more than one LCEA strand

Assign the applicable certification scheme to relevant activities, LCEAs registered for more than one LCEA strand will need to assign each scheme as stated in the procedure.
2021 Webinar Programme

We kick off our 2021 programme with a very interesting case study from one of our early ISO 9001 Customers. The theme of the webinar is: 

Why did IO Controls place Quality at the heart of our strategy?
Why did we build a formal QMS?
Why did we choose to seek 9001 certification?

And will be presented by Mark Eydman a Director at IO Controls.

This webinar will take place at 14:00 (GMT) on Tuesday 16 February - register now

Government COVID Advice for Energy Assessors

MHCLG have updated their advice for conducting energy assessments of buildings which you can find online.

As always I recommend that you monitor the PEPA website for up to date advice on this subject.

PEPA Newsletter

Whilst talking of PEPA, the PEPA January newsletter makes interesting reading, providing news on activity that we have been engaged with in 2020 to promote our industry as well as plans for next year.

Future Buildings Consultation
There have been some interesting and long-awaited consultations announced earlier this year to which I am sure many of you would like to contribute. I think that the successful outcome achieved from the Article 15 transposition consultation last year, (Air Conditioning Inspection thresholds, see PEPA January Newsletter for details), should encourage involvement in government consultations.

If you would like to provide us with comments or evidence we will feed those into the PEPA response as we have with previous consultations. We believe that responses from industry associations have better traction than individual responses.

The Future Homes Standard: changes to Part L and Part F of the Building Regulations for new dwellings

The Future Buildings Standard

Rigorous new targets for green building revolution

Public Sector Contract Opportunity

One of our Low Carbon Consultants has asked me to make you aware of an opportunity for any of you offering energy related services (most of you). They are managing a Public Sector Contract Opportunity in the following areas:

  1. Site survey based consultancy (e.g. DECs, EPCs, investment grade audits)
  2. netZero management consultancy (e.g. planning assistance, grid connection assistance, legal, financial, education, supply-chain analysis, programme management etc)
  3. Technology specific consultancy (e.g. Heat Pumps, Rooftop PV, Battery, Insulation)
  4. Technology specific installation (as with point 3 above, but for the installation of the assets)

Further information on these opportunities can be found on our website.

And finally, in case it came too early in the year, can I remind you about the online training on behavioural change in an energy management context identified in our January newsletter.

Lodgement Credit Charges (Reminder)

As reported last month MHCLG have been working out what their ongoing costs for the new register are with the intention of changing their fee with effect from 5 April, give or take a day. Early indications are that this will be a reduction.

That is all the detail that I have at the moment, but I am telling you now so that you don’t buy more credits than you reasonably expect to use between now and April. With the convenience of buying online, it should not be too onerous to do this.  

Kind regards,

Professor Andrew Geens
BEng (Hons) PhD CEng FCIBSE
Head of CIBSE Certification Ltd.