E-newsletter April 2020


E-newsletter April 2020

Dear Colleague

We hope that you and your family are keeping well.

CIBSE Certification is now focusing on ways that the team can further assist registrants; utilising digital resources as much as possible to share knowledge and updates.

These are detailed further in this month's newsletter from Andrew Geens, Head of CIBSE Certification.

Keeping in touch

I am sure that many of you have been finding new ways of keeping in touch, and new ways of virtually socialising during this period of restrictions on what we can do, so I am hoping that you will agree that it is a good idea to try to do the same professionally.
I am not going to assume that you are less busy at the moment, I know that in some sectors, people are pulling out all of the stops to get projects completed, not least the Excel project for example, but if less busy does apply to you I thought getting CPD done sooner rather than later might be a good idea.
Interested in getting involved?

What I am proposing is that we use the collective expertise of those on our registers. Recently Sebastian Gray, one of our LCCs, ran a webinar on SECR, something that he is involved with for several of his clients. This was just after the lockdown started, so neither of us were in Balham.  

If any of you have something that you think would be of interest, via a webinar, to the rest of us then we can facilitate that as a weekly webinar series. Your presentation could be from 15 to 30 minutes and then open to questions from others on our registers, or the wider community. You will be able to record any webinar delivered or attended as CPD.

Please send your proposals to epc@cibsecertification.org.

CIBSE Certification Surgery Webinar
Tuesday 7 April | 14:00-15:00 (BST)

This webinar will start with a brief introduction about how we are operating in the current lockdown situation, but I will quickly open it up to questions from you, either specific to the current situation or more generally about how we do things.  
My aim is to have the whole team in attendance so that you can meet the team and so that I can direct questions to the person that normally helps you and get questions from the people best able to answer.

Register now

New advice covering the production of domestic EPCs


All LCEAs should have received a dedicated email in regards to the new advice covering the production of domestic EPCs.
We have put these details on to the CIBSE Certification website for you to access.

View now

Please review our website news section regularly as we will use this to update you on any relevant information as we get it.

Updates from PEPA

As I think most of you know PEPA is a trade association with a membership including all of the MHCLG approved EPB register operators. We have been working collectively to represent the best interests of those of you in the energy assessment community and this activity will be reported and updated on PEPA website.  

In the next day or two there will be a paper summarising all of the Government’s business support measures that may be relevant to you. We thought this might be a useful resource. There will also be a summary of representations that we are making to the Treasury, BEIS and MHCLG where we feel that there are measures that could be taken to help in the current situation. I am sure that some or all of this will be of interest and assistance.

Visit the PEPA website

Insurance renewals

I hope that you are finding that normal services are being maintained during this difficult period, we hope that we can maintain business as usual for you so that there are no bumps as and when things return to normal.  

With this in mind, I have been reminded that a lot of insurance policies are timed to renew in April, so could I remind you to get copies of your new certificates to us if your PII or PLI is about to expire. If this is the case for you, please email epc@cibsecertification.org.

Kind regards,

Professor Andrew Geens
BEng (Hons) PhD CEng FCIBSE
Head of CIBSE Certification Ltd.